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Santa Fe - Edelstein Hill

Reel Number: 220379-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1954

Country: USA

Location: Chillicothe,Galesburg, Illinois

TC Begins: 07:01:10

TC Ends: 07:14:50

Duration: 00:13:40

Santa Fe Edelstein Hill Titles 07:01:30 Title: 5:40 a.m., Galesburg Station, No 16, the Eastbound Texas Chief from Galveston is pulling out for run to Chicago. Diesel streamliner w/ four engine units pulling passenger cars past warehouses. Eastbound Chief from Los Angeles around corner toward camera from top of draw. 07:02:58 Title re: Eastbound freight extra 101, train 46-1, loaded w/ steaks & prime ribs from Kansas City; top shot train up & past. 07:04:04 Title re: Eastbound freight extra 102, PVX, w/ fruit & vegetables from California seen from bridge over tracks. 07:05:00 Title re: Top of Edelstein Hill & station. Eastbound San Francisco Chief past pulling freight cars.. 07:05:31 Title re: Eastbound Los Angeles Super Chief No. 18 for Chicago past Edelstein station. West Bound No. 19 Chief headed for Los Angeles up and past on curve. Various other passenger diesel trains past. Freight train. Eastbound Grand Canyon from Los Angeles. 07:09:23 Title re: Chillicothe Station - West bound Grand Canyon in & out of station; other trains same. Freight trains & various passenger trains. Across grade crossing, cars wait. Around curves. Freight cars. The End Transportation; Railroad Tracks; Streamliner; Passenger train; Engines; Sleeping cars - Exterior; 1950s;

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