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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220698-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1922
Country: Antarctica,Brazil,England,United Kingdom
Location: London St Paul’s Rocks South Georgia Falklands
TC Begins: 12:22:48
TC Ends: 12:35:23
Duration: 00:12:35
Shackleton’s Last Antarctic Expedition - Good Quality Reel 1, the sailing ship, The Quest, is loaded, Sir Ernest Shackleton and the crew come aboard, and the ship leaves London passing the four stack liner Aquitania . Ship at sea - ship passes La France the largest sailing ship in the World - lovely shots galleon like four master. Shows booby birds nesting on St. Paul's Rocks - porpoise in front of ship. Harpooned porpoise brought onto ship. 12.31.56 Albatross and penguins on South Georgia Island. Man - Shackleton ? standing next to Albatross