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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220379-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
Location: New York
TC Begins: 07:47:13
TC Ends: 08:05:52
Duration: 00:18:39
The Steam Locomotive A Running The Railroad feature New York Central System presents 07:47:40 Steam engine along river pulling train of passenger cars towards camera along Hudson River, engineer silhoutted, runbys. Giant Hudson type steam train developed in 1927 from low angle. 07:48:42 Shots of stationary train & details of engine, wheels. 07:49:09 Film explains how a steam engine works. CU w/ heavy steam. Details of various parts of boiler. CU wheels as train begins to move. Model cranked to show piston & valves allowing steam in to push & pull piston. CU of whistle, bell, safety valves. Injector, generator for lights etc. CU of brakes. Loading sand. 07:52:48 Tender - details show how coal is moved by screw from tender to engine & sprayed into engine. 07:54:02 Long line of steam locomotive engines making steam. Engines serviced - good CU wheels. Trains cleaned & scrubbed. Water tested for scale formation in laboratory. 07:56:05 Engine on turntable & into round house. Inspection & calibration charts in CU. Engineers carry out servicing - heavy machinery - welding. Moving & changing wheels. 08:00:05 Valve graph which is recording apparatus giving graphic picture of locomotives peformance. Needles trace lines on paper roll making chart of speed & efficiency. Breakage reports - testing for unseen cracks with electronic equipment. 08:01:15 Terminal foreman in office. Engines move out of shed to ready platform - on turntable. Taking on coal at large coaling plant; taking on water w/ CU of track pan to take up water. Train along track. CU train parts while waiting on ready track. Interior cab w/ engine man aka driver. Train along tracks w/ good steam seen from alongside & onboard. Maintenance; Industry; 20th Century Transportation; Promotional Film; 1940s; NOTE: VERY GOOD coverage & shots of train moving thru yard. CUs in engine.