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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250039-66
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1932,1930s
Country: Argentina,USA
Location: Charlestown,Massachusetts
TC Begins: 05:14:03
TC Ends: 05:14:51
Duration: 00:00:48
Subway cars take sea voyage! - First shipment leaves for Argentina underground system. (1932) 05:14:11 Dock & subway cars being loaded on freighter ship via large cranes. 05:14:18 Interior of empty subway car, no cushions. 05:14:21 Car in air being loaded, men guiding. placing on deck. 05:14:38 Ship leaving dock w/ deck loaded w/ cars. Harbor shot w/ tugs. 1930s Depression Exports; Economics; Economy; Transportation; NOTE: If requested will provide unrelated material, 05:12:21 - 05:17:18 (6 cards), at per reel rate.