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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250046-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1966
Country: USA
Location: California,Oakland,Pacific
TC Begins: 18:00:01
TC Ends: 18:10:28
Duration: 00:10:27
Vietnam War - 1966, 9th Infantry Division Troops to USNS Barrett (T-AP196) & Shipboard Crossing. Soldiers getting off Frontier Airlines plane w/ bags & rifles, across tarmac. 18:00:19 Gangway of USNS Barrett (T-AP196) (not useable). High angle from on shipboard of troops of 9th Inf Div line rail in rain as tug pushes ship away from Oakland Depot dock. Views on deck, MCU of soldiers. 18:02:28 View up to Oakland Bridge as transport passes under. 18:03:04 Slate, illegible. Pan from Golden Gate Bridge, passing under. Heavy black cloud of diesel from ship polluting air & harbor. 18:04:00 Bow thru water. 18:04:12 Slate, illegible. Dock worker holding rope on pier, rope pulled off by ship. 18:04:52 View of covered gangway being removed, seen from ship rail. MCU soldiers in rain onboard.; tug alongside ship, leaving dock. Bay Bridge in fog / mist. 18:06:25 Slate: 02Dec66. Hyde. Troops doing calisthenics on deck; officer demonstrating. Push-ups; knee-bends; stretching exercises. 18:07:39 Stern & wake. 18:07:47 Slate: same. Band practices on deck, MCU tuba players, trumpets, saxophones, trombones. 18:09:06 Slate: same. Other instruments: ??, flute. Band & conductor. 18:10:20 Seagull, MCU. Army Draftees; Transportation; Troopship;