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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221770-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1965,1960s
Country: USA,Vietnam
TC Begins: 00:10:48
TC Ends: 00:21:40
Duration: 00:10:52
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Vietnam War - Color, 1965: Marine Helicopter Operations MCU Marine gunner in helicopter side door (dark). 00:11:43 Low angle / LA of silhouetted UH-34 transport helicopter lifting off w/ sun behind, turning & away. GOOD. 00:11:55 Burned helicopter (?) wreckage on rice paddy. 00:12:18 Aerial of farm fields from helicopter, past gun w/ fire burning village (?) in woods beside fields. 00:12:48 Line of marine UH-34 helicopters landing on grass field w/ marines running to board; telephoto. MCU lifting off past camera & low overhead. 00:13:42 Marines marching off, pan w/ helicopters overhead & smoke in distance; marines wait to board. Helicopters landing & marines rush to board & helicopters lift off. mountains in background. VERY GOOD. 00:15:18 Supply crates beside field; Vietnamese working in field nearby. CUs marines boarding. PIlots. MS helicopters lifting off, others landing. 00:16:31 LS four helicopters in flight leaving w/ mountains behind. 00:16:39 Flash slate, illegible. Aerial over forested mountain w/ farm village at base. CU hand on map. View from helicopter w/ mountains below & in distance. Valley w/ fields, village & muddy river & bridge. 00:19:02 Marines running from UH-34 helicopters on muddy, wet field, out of helicopter & running for cover. Helicopters landing from above. 00:19:34 View along coastal beach from helicopter moving inland; flames & smoke from jungle. Fighter jet making napalm bombing run seen from above & along side. GOOD 00:21:21 Large CH-47 Chinook twin-rotor helicopters seen from above. GOOD. Fighting; Battles; 1960s; Military Transportation; Marine Aviation; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Good action & color though dark, but usable. Possibly Operation Harvest Moon. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: