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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221770-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1966,1960s
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Tam Ky
TC Begins: 00:21:50
TC Ends: 00:31:52
Duration: 00:10:02
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Vietnam War - Color, 1966: Marine 2nd Battalion, 9th Transported & Fighting, 22-24Mar66 Slate: 2nd Bn, 9th 22Mar (very poor slate). LS along dry ditch of rice paddies, marines placing explosives, CU fuses & charges, digging w/ small shovels, cutting fuse & wrapping on explosive charge. Covering w/ dirt. 00:23:51 LS across ride paddy, large explosion filling screen w/ black smoke, obliterating sky. VERY good. 00:24:19 Pan along upturned earth. 00:24:37 Flash slate: 3D Mar Div 24Mar66 2nd BN 9th Mar F Company. Roll 6. Camera: W.T. Manning. Troops rest in shade beside wooden hut, gesture & move out. Standing in field & into woods past camera; crossing grassy paddy to trees. CU firing rifle beside stream; wading across waist deep stream. 00:26:00 View to steam thru foliage. Wooden grave marker (?) w/ Vietnamese writing. Marines firing machine guns from behind ditch bank, CU over shoulder firing across stream, barrel smoking - GOOD. 00:26:38 MS patrol r. to l. across grass; moving in other directions across paddies & farm fields. Gesturing, wearing dirty sweat stained uniforms. 00:27:25 Slate (out of focus). 00:27:30 MLS View along concrete runway w/ line of CH-47 Chinook helicopters taxiing past, marines waiting alongside runway. 00:27:47 MS UH-34 arrives (eyes on front), stops & men board & it rolls away. 00:28:15 Fighter jet very low (brief). MS marines gather wounded in poncho & carry off across grassy field towards village, past banana plants, MCUs. Stretchers carried & loaded onto UH-34. Helicopter in flight leaving, arriving. smoke rising from treeline across paddy. Marines pinned down. 00:30:27 MCU marines look at map w/ banana plants behind. Digging in village beside hut; looking at marked up map. 00:30:59 MCU firing mortars. 00:31:20 MLS marines out of CH-47s in grassy field, pan across four or five, taking off after unloading, marines to trees. Fighting; Battles; 1960s; Military Transportation; Marine Aviation; Fighting; Battle; Medical Evacuation; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Good action & color. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: