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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220384-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1948
Country: USA
Location: CHICAGO, Illinois
TC Begins: 15:02:26
TC Ends: 15:11:00
Duration: 00:08:34
Wheels A-Rolling: 100 Years of Railroad Progress B/W Pt. 2 of 2 Presented by Chicago Railroad Fair (1948-1949) Continued... Pageant Play w/ music. 15:02:26 Minnetonka Steam engine & train; past large logging carriage pulled by draught horses. James J. Hill in costume on passenger train of Great Northern System. 15:03:01 Farmers & wives on hay wagon arrive, dance; train of the Burlington Line brings immigrants to farm the mid-west. Folk dancing; hoe-down, ballet like square dance. 15:05:46 1890s Gay ‘90s; Horse cars & trams; cable car. Horse-drawn fire engines speed past. Early bicycles & tandems. Dancing fashion show. 15:07:04 Famous 999 steam engine. Series of shots show early forms of transport: cars - automobiles - gag policeman with drunk. Racing car, fire engine - more gags with policeman and drunk. 15:09:08 1934 Streamlined diesel-electric engine passenger service. Cast of pageant make map of America showing advancement of transportation. Diesel train along track. US History; Tableaux Vivants; Expositions; Fairs; Oddities; Myths; Ethnic; Imperialism; Celebration; Tacky / Kitsch;