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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220711-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1918
Country: France
Location: Bonvillers,Cantigny,Froissy,Maron,Picardy
TC Begins: 10:14:44
TC Ends: 10:28:27
Duration: 00:13:43
WWI - Occupation of Cantigny Sector (Picardy) April-June 1918 R2 of 3 10:14:44 2nd Field Signal Bn. troops in line next to railroad getting soup eat near Maron as another engine arrives; standing & sitting by railroad car eating from mess kits. American Soldiers cooking over small fire. 10:15:28 Prisoners of War past, escorted to rear near Cantigny, some limping & wounded; carried on country road in stretcher. 10:16:23 German POWs sitting in barbed wire stockade. Allied officer & POW pose, MCU. POW w/ another Allied officer posing, talking. MCUs German POWs resting w/ man on stretcher on ground on road. 10:17:31 German POWs searched, and inspected by ?? (French?) and U.S. officer of 1st Division (?). 10:18:01 General Pershing, Gen. R.L. Bullard & others out of house in Cantigny, thru woods past guards & German prisoners near stockade. German on stretcher carried out window of house by Americans & loaded into ambulance. Wounded brought in on stretcher & splint put on leg, loaded into ambulance. GOOD. 10:20:27 LS munitions stockpile in field w/ CUs of rows of shells. POWs (?) digging along road. 10:21:00 1st Div. troops draw rations from supplies alongside road & supply wagons at Maron. 26th Inf. units arrive, board cattle cars of train for the front. Red Cross women give out soup. Doughboys wave from train as it leaves. 10:23:04 Mules of the 2nd Field Signal Bn. loaded onto train. Supply wagons loaded onto open flatcars. Men beside pup tents under orchard. 10:24:42 CU young man looking for lice in clothes. Clothing is deloused at Bonvillers in large truck mounted steam chambers, men wait for clothes; removing steaming clothes. Naked man washing in basin outdoors. 10:26:12 Clothes spread out on grass near ambulances inspected by soldiers w/ rubber gloves. 10:26:34 Captured equipment examined near hillside craters. 10:26:53 Soldier plays w/ tame baby wild boar pig. 10:27:30 Men lined up for pay. 10:27:41 LS headquarters (?) in large villa. MCU Gen. B.B. Buck poses w/ aides at Froissy. Mounted officers ride past in village street. WW1; World War One; USA GIs;