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WWI - German War Film 1914 - 1918 R2

Reel Number: 220693-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1914-1918

Country: France

Location: Somme Fort Conde

TC Begins: 05:19:34

TC Ends: 05:33:09

Duration: 00:13:35

WWI - German War Film 1914 - 1918 R2 German troops advance in forest. Supply trains enter an East Prussian town. French infantry rushing to defend a Belgian town against a German attack. Three German soldiers play piano in street. German soldiers load refugees into wagon; refugees on road pushing cartwheels with belongings. German railroad gun; French graffiti?: “La Grosse Bertha”. German trenches at Somme, France, are shelled and troops are seen running across field. 05:30:09 German Railway motor car: automobile on railway tracks. Destruction at Fort Conde, near Soissons; field hospital in front of wrecked manor house. Cavalry units pursue the fleeing French. WW1;

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