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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220680-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1918
Country: France
Location: Bourneville,Fresnes,La Ferte-sous-Jouarre,Missy-aux-Bois,Sergy
TC Begins: 16:32:05
TC Ends: 16:47:30
Duration: 00:15:25
WWI - The Aisne - Marne Operations July 18th - 6th August 1918 - Third Division Supply center w/ trucks & wagons; crates carried & loaded on trucks, wooden crates of tobacco opened. Smiling soldier w/ rations, tobacco & chocolate? Soldiers standing around. 16:32:46 Hay bales, forage, unloaded from railroad cars into truck. Truck convoy past camera, in narrow town street. 47th Inf. troops rest at Fresnes. 16:33:43 French cavalry & 7th F.A. units occupy positions at Missy-aux-Bois. Fire artillery Cavalry riding past barbed wire fence barricades, dismount. Many troops in field moving up; resting; looking at camera. 4th Div. troops march across fields, into Sergy, past damaged houses. Two officers sitting at side of road smoking pipes & looking at papers. (GOOD) 16:38:09 7th F.A. troops fire 75s - big guns. Wounded brought to field hospital, ambulance. Wounded treated in trenches. Many wounded at field hospital. Radio operator in the field. Troops put on gas masks & put masks on goats (Gag). Troops tease baby goat who is trying to suckle. Soldier drinking goats milk. 16:40:53 Field kitchens dispense food to men in the trenches. 16:41:40 Wounded men along road. across field. Officers around large stone as table, w/ maps & making notes. 16:42:26 Officer out of car, shown map. Dead Germans? in ditch or narrow roadway. Soldiers washing in river. 16:43:11 Troops march along railway line. Large chateau dynamited by retreating Germans w/ collapsed roof & attic searched. Pan over leveled large buildings. Rubbled German positions at Bourneville captured. 16:45:34 Communication lines strung at 4th Div. hdqrs., La Ferte-sous-Jouarre. Gen. Babbitt & 7th F.A. officers pose. WW1 Destruction; Horrors of War;