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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220453-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1916,1917,1918
Country: France,USA
Location: atlantic ocean,Hoboken, New Jersey,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 23:00:05
TC Ends: 23:16:09
Duration: 00:16:04
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI & Post-WWI - 1910s, USA Homefront & President Wilson Shipboard to France Titles. 23:00:37 MS President Woodrow Wilson at desk reads files / paperwork, looks up to camera & continues. 23:00:59 Intertitle re Flag Day 14Jun16, national preparedness demonstration. Traveling shot alongside Wilson walking w/ flag, leads parade. 23:01:58 Intertitle re 07Nov16 reelection. MS At window; then beside telephone & talks on phone. 23:02:59 Intertitle. Sheep grazing on White House South Lawn. 23:03:20 Intertitle re severance of diplomatic relations w/ Germany 03Feb17. MCU Wilson at desk writes, talks to someone off screen. 23:03:50 Intertitle: re 02Apr1917, Wilson asks Congress that the US declare war on Germany (still photo). 4th Draft Lottery, 30Sep1918, blindfolded & draws first number in draft lottery out of big jar. 23:04:57 Intertitle: re 11Nov1918 Armistice Day in Washington. Crowds cheering, waving flags in front of White House. Tracking shot past crowd. 23:05:25 Intertitle. President out of W.H. & into car w/ others, leaves for Capitol. 23:05:55 Intertitle. Driving away from Capitol, crowds cheer. Black man in cap & vest w/ flag dancing in street ahead of street car & soldiers marching in snake-line / conga line. 23:06:32 Intertitle. Wilson reviews Armistice parade, military band leads sailors / marines, women march, float w/ women in white & Allied nations’ flags accompanied by military from different countries w/ own flags. 23:07:31 Intertitle re 04Dec18, Wilson sails for France heading American Commission to negotiate peace between Germany & the Allies. CU ship’s whistle; USS George Washington leaves Hoboken, New Jersey w/ tugs. Crowds wave on dock, seen from moving ship & ship departing. POV Manhattan docks & skyscrapers. 23:09:38 Intertitle re President’s flag. CU. MCU Captain Edward McCauley, Jr. of George Washington & Rear Admiral H. S. Knapp talk. MCU McCauley & Commander Perkins. 23:10:42 Intertitle. MCU Commander Perkins, USN Executive Officer of USS George Washington. 23:11:04 Intertitle: Commander Roesch, Chief Engineer of USS George Washington. CU on deck smoking. 23:11:23 Intertitle: Captain W. B. Pratt & Rear Admiral H.S. Knapp, USN. MCU standing, talking. 23:11:46 Intertilte: President & Mrs. Wilson on bridge. Talking, pointing. Sunset w/ mast etc. MCU Wilson w/ cap chatting to others. 23:13:16 Intertitle: High Angle / HA sailors rush to deck for abandon ship drill, untie lifeboats. Wilson & passengers line up in life jackets. 23:14:36 Intertitles: re new Ambassador to Great Britain John W. Davis w/ wife look thru binoculars. Mrs Gordon Auchincloss, Mrs David H. Miller greet Arthur Bullitt, chat on deck in coats & hats. French Ambassador Jules Jusserand w/ wife wearing elaborate hat pose. Mr. G.F. Close & Mr. R.C. Sween, confidential secretaries to Wilson on deck. Post-WW1 Enroute Paris Peace Conference; WW1 Homefront; Naval Ship; Diplomacy; 1916; 1917; 1918; Ocean Liner; Transportation; Ships; Celebration; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Good Quality NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: