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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220713-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1914-1918
Country: England,Germany,Ireland,United Kingdom,WalesUNITED KINGDOM
Location: At Sea,Dublin,London,South Wales
TC Begins: 14:27:48
TC Ends: 14:40:59
Duration: 00:13:11
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWI: Liner Galician Captured By Germans; British Homefront & Women Workers; Land Girls; Miners Strike Title: Captured By A German Cruiser - Thrilling Adventure of a British Liner. 14:28:17 4-stack liner Union Castle steamship “Galician” off coast of Tenerife en route from Cape Town to Southampton, signaled to stop by German cruiser Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse. 14:29:00 German officers board Galician. British officers captured. Liner at sea. Civilian group on deck posing & merrily waving hats at camera. Captured officers to German cruiser. 14:30:44 Gaumont Graphic no. 452 Title: British Women Pageant - 50,000 Women’s Marched... to show desire to work for nation. W/ banners in rain, crowd watching. “mobilize brains & energy of women” GOOD. 14:31:55 Title: Delegates at the Home Office... Delegates in bowler hats walk out of home office , pose for camera, Parliament in background. Delegation of women pose & attend a meeting on behalf of women & children. Women in uniform doing farm work, shoveling mud or manure, milking cows, chopping hay in barn, Land Girls posing; spreading manure in field as men supervise. 14:35:19 British dignitary in wig w/ other dignitaries around reads King’s proclamation re “eat less bread” re rationing, from steps of Royal Exchange. Top shot crowd w/ hats. Title; GG no 639. Men out to steps & repeat of reading, cheers, crowd. 14:36:38 Woman shopper holds paper rolls - toilet paper. Women queuing outside shops, advert for Dundee Marmalade in BG. 14:36:52 Factory interior w/ large belt driven machinery & women workers in fruit cannery. Peeling & coring fruit, cans along conveyor. 14:37:41 GG no 493 (?) Flash title: Dublin hears the Bugle Call... Irish recruits off to war w/ horse teams pulling artillery caissons & troops marching thru city streets. 14:38:09 Title: The Coal Strike - Scenes at the pit head. The last miners “Special” leaves for home. Men watch train pullin up, mostly men off & to building. South Wales miners handing in their lamps; train leaves. Men stand on platform, many young boys w/ coal dust on faces. 14:39:36 GG no 999. Title: South Wales miners at Tredegar record their votes. Men standing putting votes in ballet bucket. Scene at market stall? people hand over money. 14:40:24 Women workers nailing planks of wood in shed making large crates. WW1; World War One; Shipping; Ocean Liners; Passenger Ships; UK Homefront; Industry; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: