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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220672-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1915
Country: Canada,England,France,Russia,United Kingdom,Wales
Location: Artois,Canada,London,Wales
TC Begins: 02:29:35
TC Ends: 02:38:57
Duration: 00:09:22
WWI England Training Russians; Lloyd George; Ship Sunk; Canadian Prime Minister Gaumont Graphic No. 638 Title: Russia’s Airmen A number of Russian Cadets are receiving their preliminary training in England. 02:29:41 Cadets march past camera, into tent or hanger. Removing a biplane wing. 02:30:16 Title: Wireless telegraphy. Men at outdoor table w/ headsets writing messages. Instructor. 02:30:36 Title: Engine construction. men working on rotary engine, taking apart. Sit outdoors w/ blackboard & parts shown by British instructor. Men look at map. Cadets climbing into truck & wave as it leaves. 02:31:55 Title: City’s Freedom conferred upon Colonial Members of the Empire Council. Men out of carriage w/ elaborate ?? End out of frame. 02:32:09 Two-stack navy ship explodes; sunk. 02:32:29 Gaumont Graphic No. 606 Title: Buxton A Borough... (no picture) 02:32:42 Gaumont Graphic No 67? Title: Mr. Lloyd George In The North. - “Premier presented w/ the Freedom of the Borough of Birkenhead. 02:32:44 Military man watches Lloyd George & wife arrive, shake hands. Standing about & military VIPs walk w/ him to review the troops. PM walks & tips hat. 02:33:41 Gaumont Graphic No. ? Title: Wounded Entertained At Southgate Fete. brief picture. 02:33:46 Heroes of Mons: Speaker ?? by lions at Trafalgar Square speaking to crowd. People raise hands. 02:34:14 Title re The Premier at Welsh festival Eisteddfod. Lloyd George cheered by crowds of women in national costume lining both sides of street & waving flags Lloyd George walking & waving hat. 02:34:55 Gaumont Graphic No. 632 title: Premier at his son’s wedding - The Marriage of Major Richard Lloyd George & Miss Roberta McAlpine. 02:34:57 PM out of car; flower girls & brride out of car. Leaving church under swords & into car; leaving past w/ military at attention. Other leaving church including Lloyd George. 02:36:24 Gaumont Graphic No. 632 title: Gymnastics Display at Shoreham. Men march across field & form Human Pyramid slowly turning. 02:36:43 Gaumont Graphic No. ??? title re miniature railway track on which a speed of 500 miles per hour has been reached. Metal hoops over track & small round cars around it, like amusement park ride. 02:37:15 Gaumont Graphic No. ??? title: Communal Kitchens - Mrs Lloyd George Opens the first two in ?? 02:37:22 Out of car w/ other women past Boy Scouts saluting. Leaving church (?) past posters about communal war kitchens. 02:37:44 Gaumont Graphic No. ??? title: With the Canadians - The Conquerors of Vimy Ridge. Sir Robert Borden, Canada’s Premier, spends a day with the...troops. (Battle of Artois). 02:37:55 Soldiers crossing wide valley w/ trenches, running up hill toward camera; across field. Lay on ground & digging w/ spades. MCU Borden standing watching. Large group of soldiers cheering him. WWI England Homefront; Training; Ethnic; Oddities;