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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220372-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1970s
Country: China,Germany,USA
Location: Colorado,Lackland AFB, Texas
TC Begins: 01:15:07
TC Ends: 01:32:50
Duration: 00:17:43
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1970s - Colour, USAF Newsreel: Kidney Transplant; Flying Tigers; Professional Military Education; Air National Guard Surgery montage & VO re quality of free health care in USAF. Surgeons perform kidney transplant operation. CUs bloody hands & surgical instruments. 01:15:50 Title Sequence. 01:16:10 Wilford Hall Medical Center, aerial view. CU medical equipment. Testing eye w/ machine. Man on treadmill. CU dials & buttons. Doctors around patient. Pouring liquid over eye. Surgeons in operating room. General Paul Myers in front of X-rays, SOF re new possibility of kidney transplant. Patient w/ drip (good CU drip). Interviews re advantages of kidney transplant over an artificial kidney machine, dialysis. 01:18:44 Organ removal operation. Kidney into bowl, ice poured over it & surgeon carries bowl out. Kidney inspected. Wall clock shows 10.10. CUs surgeons w/ surgical masks. 01:19:44 Commander re quality of medical service. LS hospital exterior. 01:20:20 Title: Pioneers of Flight - Flying Tigers re flying supplies from India to China, 1940s - WWII / WW2. Supply aircraft over Himalayas. Pilots around P-40s w/ sharks’ teeth. Maintenance on planes. Gen. Claire Chennault. Planning attacks around table map. Loading ammunition into plane; Japanese run to bombers & fighters. Flying Tigers on alert run to planes. P-40s takeoff. CU Japanese pilot. Strafing Japanese plane. LS Japanese plane downed. P-40s in formation. 01:23:23 Air University Large biplanes take off. Montage USAF ground staff at work. Montage acronyms. PME - Professional Military Education Officers in booths w/ headphones. Sitting at computer, computer graphics. Officer on stage. Student reads book. Library. Aerial AFB. Various officers explain that the mission of Air College is to fulfill military, not civilian purposes. Air University, Maxwell AFB library. Classroom. Playing data storage tapes. Entrance. 01:26:13 NORAD control room; missile silo. Screen split in four - tank, diver, fighter, ground warfare. Officers talking. Montgomery, Alabama & printing material for correspondence school. Mail machine-sorted. Air University diploma. Ext. Industrial College of Armed Forces; National War College. Officers thru revolving doors at National Staff College. Stills on split screens officers smiling, in classes, library etc. Shuttle on top of transport plane. 01:27:56 Flags & illustrations & paintings illustrating National Guard. Operation Creek Party: 1967 to 1977 Air National Guard operation in Rhein-Main Air Base, Germany, providing USAF refueling support. Planes in formation. Various models planes. Parachute drop. 01:28:49 Plane takeoff - good CU propeller. Tanker aircraft refuels other in flight, KC-97L tanker, KC-135 tanker. Texas Air National Guard. 01:30:08 Talking into radio from control tower. A-7D (Corsair) 140th, Buckley Air National Guard Base, Colourado. Part-time maintenance staff at work. A-7 takeoff. Flying to gunnery range; shooting targets. 01:32:15 Very fast montage CUs insignias of States of USA NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: