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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220374-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1977
Country: England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Texas
TC Begins: 03:18:51
TC Ends: 03:35:31
Duration: 00:16:40
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1977 - Colour, USAF Newsreel: Marksmanship Competition; Medal of Honor; Thunderbirds & Flying Careers XCUs putting bullets in pistol, eye, aiming, finger pulling trigger. Target hit. 03:19:37 Firing range announcer w/ microphone at 1977 Security Police Marksmanship Matches. 03:19:47 Title sequence. 03:19:57 SOF Royal Air Force, RAF, Exchange officer in charge of training in small arms & marksmanship, 03:20:19 Side view of line of .38 revolver pistols aimed, target, shooting. Intercut w/ M-16 rifle, fired. Targets & firing line. Several American airmen SOF. 03:22:25 Montage: Barbecue, chow served, CU food, CUs eating at tables. MS of table of military. 03:22:50 RAF SOF continues. 03:23:15 CU Scores added up by checking targets. Team scores totaled. Trophy. Winners & special effects of pictures shown thru torn target. 03:24:33 Air Force Assistance Fund explained over stills. 03:26:02 CU Medal of Honor. 20Dec43 WWII / WW2 USAAF crew briefing & pilots to plane. Story of Forrest L. Vosler, radio operator & aerial gunner of B-17s in 8th AAF Hell’s Angels group bombing Bremen, Germany. Montage: Aerial up at formation, side view, bombardier, target, bomb drop & exploding, flak, hit bomber, fighter planes. 03:26:47 Illustration of Vosler getting hit in leg. Machine-gunning from plane. Illustration metal slivers blinding Vosler, operating radio & rescuing other officer from plane’s wing after crashing. Montage of rescue at sea. Still Vosler. 03:28:05 F-16 Thunderbirds perform at air show. Description by cameraman as he shoots formation. Pilots in cockpit w/ Thunderbirds helmets, caps. SOF Cameraman Staff Sgt. Pat Knowles, introduces other jobs related to flying besides being a fighter pilot. Loadmaster loading supplies. CUs M.R. Guy & Terry L Guy USAF insignias on uniforms in plane preparing load. Flight engineer & control panel, dials, knobs, gauges. 03:31:53 Conference room & speakers (no speeches). 03:32:16 Cameraman on tarmac SOF. Thunderbird pilots in bus. Sign: March AFB. Pilot preflight checking plane, climbs in plane. Aerial of B-52 & tanker plane in flight, boom operator shows refueling operation. Good CUs switches & controls. MS. Pulling away from B-52. Presenter re NCOs (Non-Commissioned Officers) at Thunderbirds briefing. In-flight formation shot. Presented by Your Air Force. WWII Bombing Mission; Stunt Pilots; Military Promotional Film; 1970s; Entertainment; Americana; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: