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Air Force Now - Interservice Nuclear Weapons School

Reel Number: 220421-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1981

Country: USA

Location: Kirkland AFB, New Mexico

TC Begins: 15:20:09

TC Ends: 15:24:01

Duration: 00:03:52

Air Force Now - Interservice Nuclear Weapons School 15:20:29 Nuclear explosions. 15:21:00 Entrance: Interservice Nuclear Weapons School, Kirkland, New Mexico. School commander re school being set up in first days of Manhattan Project & school’s mission to respond to nuclear incidents. CU 4-1000 Warhead Unit. Copy of Fat Boy bomb. Class. 15:21:29 Men in anti-contamination suits by plane measuring radiation. Chief of training branch talks re nuclear weapons incidents risk. Broken arrow (nuclear weapons accident) & bent spear (significant incident) as code words. 15:21:54 A-bomb explosion. Crater. Atom bombs on trailers. Students put on anti-contamination suits. Class: teacher gives students incident field scenario using miniature model of town. Nuclear accident response team by crashed plane measruing radiation. Mention made of Titon Two Missile Silo accident at Damascus, Arkansas (19Sep80). 15:23:16 Field training site. Geiger counter measuring radiation. Cleaning plane with hose. Checking ground & water with Geiger counter. Atomic Accidents; Military Training; Cold War;

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