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Reel Number: 220427-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 21:44:21
TC Ends: 21:46:18
Duration: 00:01:57
Air Force Now - Issue 150 Very fast montage aircraft and sports going back to WWII, neon lights, couple going out. Vietnam vets return 1973,Thunderbird, bobsled, plane fuselage cut in two
1980s - Color, USA Aviation, Military: Airlift Training; Flying Tigers; F-117A
WWII - 1940s, Pacific: USAAF 80th Fighter Squadron, The Headhunters - P-38s R2 of 2
Recruiting Film - Color - 1983, USA: Air Force Commercial For Wings Of Freedom, F-15 & F-16
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Air Force Now - Issue 150 Very fast montage aircraft and sports going back to WWII, neon lights, couple going out. Vietnam vets return 1973,Thunderbird, bobsled, plane fuselage cut in two