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Air Force Now - Airmen Awarded

Reel Number: 220372-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1977

Country: Germany,USA

Location: Moon,Sembach AFB,Tuskegee, Alabama

TC Begins: 01:32:59

TC Ends: 01:48:28

Duration: 00:15:29

Air Force Now (Airmen Awards; Sembach AFB; Apollo 11; Tuskegee Airmen) Awards given at Pentagon w/ stills of recipients. Families into Capitol; ceremony. Families visit White House. 01:35:00 Sembach Air Force Base, Germany. Woman officer driving army truck; thru village. Setting up deployment site in field, LS. Chow served - CUs food. 601st Tactical Control Wing w/ radar system control room for NATO Air Defence system. Truck unloaded by helicopter. Military planes in flight. Radar screens. Sign: Sembach Air Base, trucks past. 01:38:01 Title: Pioneers of Flight -(Apollo 11) Kennedy speech re landing a man on the moon (sound only) 25May61. Low angle on space rocket. Launchpad at night. CU Apollo XI astronaut in helmet. Launch pad at dawn. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins to spacecraft w/ photographers & cameras flashing. 01:38:53 16Jul69 Apollo 11 launch. Lunar module Eagle in space; light patterns from sun on Eagle. POV from lunar module approaching moon & astronauts voices . ”...the Eagle has landed”. Moon surface seen from Eagle. Armstrong climbs down & moonwalk “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. ” Footprint on moon. Stills of Armstrong and Aldrin on moon. American flag on moon. 01:42:12 Aerial over Tuskegee Institute, Alabama Still of first 5 Black students to get wings. Benjamin Davis SOF. re all-Black squadrons during WWII. First five: G. Roberts, B. Davis, C. Debow, M. Ross, L. Custis. 1977 Benjamin Davis narrates. Photos on table. 1940s Black pilots training session. P-40s in flight - 99th Pursuit Squadron. 01:44:06 Map of Italy. Loading ammunition. Black pilot in plane & shooting down enemy aircraft in Anzio. Davis re 1944 attacks on Italy & Germany including Berlin. Re commanding 51st Fighter-interceptor Wing at Suwon AFB, Korea & not many Black men there. 1960s (Colour) Black pilots in 12th Air Force in Germany. 1977 Gen. Chappie James makes passionate speech re segregation & today’s Air Force equal opportunities. Segregation; Army Air Force; Integration;

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