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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220420-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980s
Country: USA
Location: Randolph AFB, Texas
TC Begins: 14:01:01
TC Ends: 14:07:01
Duration: 00:06:00
Pilot Instructor Training - PIT 14:01:18 T-37s & T-38s in flight, doing acrobatics doing PIT by 12th Flying Training Wing. 14:02:22: CUpilot’s head. Instructor teaching class; explaining his job; briefing trainees individually. Flight simulator exterior & interior. Trainee Sue Ross comments technique of instructors. 14:04:04 Simulator ext. & int. showing screen & instruments; CU of student. Trainee tells pros & cons. Planes in flight & pilot in cockpit. Pilots put on helmets & jackets. Plane lands & pilot & instructor come out; student & instructor climbing aboard plane. Two planes take off together; in flight. Flight Instructor Instruction; Military Jets Flying; 1980s; 1970s; Randolph Air Force Base, Texas;