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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220355-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980s
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Eglin AFB, Florida
TC Begins: 16:43:54
TC Ends: 16:54:30
Duration: 00:10:36
Air Force Now (Civil Engineers School; John Levitow, Medal of Honor Levitow) Bulldozers. Title sequence 16:44:40 Montage: Runway w vehicles, planes, helicopters. Aerial view barracks. Throwing smoke device from tank. Troops rush out w/ gas masks for alarm call. Running camera. 16:46:03 Big explosions in slow motion; bomb crater & debris from runway 16:46:57 Aerial headquarters. Damage assessment crew sent to site of explosions. 4-wheel drive, trucks & bulldozers for rebuilding airstrip. Leveling, grading ground; laying tarmac. Aerial view repaired airstrip. 16:49:30 Project Warrior - Medal of Honor Winner of Medal of Honor, John Levitow, narrates. Only AF enlisted man to win the award in Vietnam. Reconstruction of his heroic deeds in Vietnam: AC-47 takeoff. Levitow aboard plane prepares & throws out explosive flares. Firing mini-gun at night in illuminated area. Illustrations of plane hit by mortar shell & crew members wounded by shrapnel. AC-47 on airfield. CU medal. Vietnam War;