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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220374-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1970s
Country: Philippines,USA
Location: Clark AFB, Philippines,Fort Worth, Texas
TC Begins: 03:49:03
TC Ends: 04:02:16
Duration: 00:13:13
Air Force Now (Manufacturing F-16 Fighter Plane; Cope Thunder Combat Exercise) Titles - cartoon animation USAF officer goes to movies. 03:49:42 F-16 fighter montage. SOF Plant Manager Air Force Plant No. 4 (General Dynamics) presents re building F-16s. Models on desk. Describes their role. 03:50:46 Montage moving supplies, plane in flgiht. Int. crane shot of huge, mile-long, factory. Manufacturing, assemblying. Workers at machines. Meetings w/ contractors intercut. Montage building plane & plane in flight. Rockets mounted on wing. In flight, testing. 03:53:35 Air Force Community College Advertertisement. All stills montage: basic training, sign “Community College of the Air Force”’; classes; headphones on; students. On campus. Graduating. 03:54:45 Montage: night on AFB pilot into plane, fueling, maintance. Preparing for Cope Thunder, Clark AFB, Philippines. 03:55:46 SOF talks of simulated combat airpower to provide aircrew with realistic experience of combat missions between AF, Marines & Navy aviators. Planes take off & land w/ drag chutes. 03:56:54 SOF Officers explains reasons for exercise; most losses in combat occur in first 10 missions. Briefing; maps, surface to air etc. Pilots. Planes taking off side by side. Aerial views; from ground. Radar shots. Dog fighting. 04:00:17 Pilots on ground, briefing room. 04:00:28 Aerials of various other planes. Montage of ground crews & what the learned. End. Military Promotion Film; 1970s;