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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220374-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1978
Country: Nicaragua,Pakistan,USA
Location: Hollywood, California,Luke AFB,Pennsylvania,Whiteman AFB, Missouri
TC Begins: 03:01:00
TC Ends: 03:18:30
Duration: 00:17:30
Air Force Now - Flight Simulators POV thru empty film set for Gunsmoke TV series, wild west frontier town. Western saloon doors, man wearing white hat looks out; walks out in airman’s uniform (SOF): “I’m sorry, I guess I got carried away by the magic of the movies; I suppose we all do...” Walks thru back of Burbank Studios, Dodge City set w/ lights etc. “...but the Air Force deals only w/ real issues.” 03:03:18 Title Sequence: Air Force Now (Numbers type face & electronic music. 03:03:44 Studio set of German village w/ narrator; English village across street. 03:04:09 CUs pilot landing at night - simulated crash landing. Control tower. Cockpit gages. 03:04:53 Pilot out of flight simulator. T-37 simulator shown. SOF explains. Flying lesson inside simulator w/ instructor & student; cutting to control consol. Simulator screen (computer graphics) showing quick replay & repeating same maneuver. 03:07:35 Major Chuck Mosely, air to air combat instructor, w/ F-4 cockpit into simulator, Luke AFB. Cockpit closes. Wraparound vision computer graphics. Instructor operating console. POV coming in for landing. 03:09:36 Narrator on New England Colonial village studio set; talks about minute men & readiness. 03:09:58 Aerial over Whiteman AFB. Sign: 351st Strategic Missile Wing. Aerial over silo top & buildings. Facility manager / presenter on tractor mowing lawn. Launch control Center w/ two men at consoles & office above w/ security officers. Kitchen, bedroom & lounge w/ table tennis. Officer at desk lists tasks of Facility Manager, water, air purification, electrical & janitorial maintenance etc. Going down in elevator with iron gate to clear alarm signals in conjunction w/ missile combat crew in capsule. 03:13:58 Movie set & narrator looking at replica of dilapidated houses. 03:14:27 Nicaragua devastation: fires; destruction; disaster aftermath. Victims tended by Americans. Sign: ‘We want help with food”. Large queues for food distribution. 03:15:22 Pakistan, aerials of beaches, body in mud, people run for supplies dropped from helicopter. 03:16:08 Pennsylvania, Hurricane Agnes aftermath; destroyed houses. Victim explains damage & thanks USAF. USAF men carry out repairs. Unload supplies; sack w/ USA sign. 03:17:40 Presenter in Hollywood Western town set. Burbank studios. Presentedby Your Air Force. Military Technology; Motion Picture Sets; Promotional Film;