Army and Air Force Exchange Service
Air Force Now
Montage at shopping center for Army & Air Force personnel.
Woman at hairdresser’s; Department store merchandise; Gym; Cinema exterior. Track down aisles of Army & Air Force PX. Cosmetics counter. Clothes rack. People out of store. Kids jump in swimming pool.
15:24:47 Fashion distribution Center in Dallas, Texas: clothes in plastic sheeting tagged & packed. Woman holds up dress to mirror. Woman at cosmetics & food counters talk to camera re low cost & convenience of Exchange stores. Woman at clothes rack. AAFES commander re new controls put in place to stop fraud & abuse. English red public phone booth w/ “hotline” sticker. AAFES hotline operator takes call.
15:26:13 Quality control laboratory & tests carried out. Customers at counters. Sign: AAFES HQ. CU “hotline” sticker. Flower shop. Aisle.
Shoppin: Consumerism; Consumers;
Army and Air Force Exchange Service Air Force Now Montage at shopping center for Army & Air Force personnel. Woman at hairdresser’s; Department store merchandise; Gym; Cinema exterior. Track down aisles of Army & Air Force PX. Cosmetics counter. Clothes rack. People out of store. Kids jump in swimming pool. 15:24:47 Fashion distribution Center in Dallas, Texas: clothes in plastic sheeting tagged & packed. Woman holds up dress to mirror. Woman at cosmetics & food counters talk to camera re low cost & convenience of Exchange stores. Woman at clothes rack. AAFES commander re new controls put in place to stop fraud & abuse. English red public phone booth w/ “hotline” sticker. AAFES hotline operator takes call. 15:26:13 Quality control laboratory & tests carried out. Customers at counters. Sign: AAFES HQ. CU “hotline” sticker. Flower shop. Aisle. Shoppin: Consumerism; Consumers;