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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221445-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980s
Country: USA
Location: Californi|,tinker AFB
TC Begins: 01:02:58
TC Ends: 01:07:03
Duration: 00:04:05
AWAC Airborne Command and Control Center Shots of AWAC E-3A plane on runway w/ large radar dish as sun rises. 01:03:17 Briefing intercut w/ shots of crew boarding plane. Pulling chocks & take off POV in E-3A & from runway. Overhead shot of plane. 01:04:02 Int. flight deck; mission crew working in rear of aircraft. SOF Jesse Shanks, Mission Crew Commander, describes thirteen people in mission crew & four people on flight deck. 01:04:23 Various shots E-3A in flight. Talk about the radar unit’s effect on flight. Views & animation of plane and doppler radar operating. Views of video screens, buttons, eyes & crew working. 01:05:45 Telephoto shot of taking off over camera. VO AWACs deployment to various coiuntries around the world. Wher the President would once send in the Marines he’ll now send in the AWACs. Landing. “No offensive capability, its AWACs diplomacy.” Air Force Now Recruiting; Electronics Technology;