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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220340-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1982
Country: USA
Location: Edwards AFB
TC Begins: 04:01:04
TC Ends: 04:05:59
Duration: 00:04:55
B1-B Bomber Flight Tested Bomb-bay doors opening seen from inside & then air to air shots of 4-engine bomber dropping bombs from two sets of doors. Clusters falling & explosions on ground. Multi shots, good opening of doors seen from below plane. 04:01:34 Aerial of nuclear explosion over water. Montage: 3 bombers, B-36, (?), B-52 fly-over. B1-B on parked on runway. 04:02:01 Titles: Air Force Now B1-B at sunrise or sunset at Edwards AFB. We are going to start B1-B program, April, 1983. Test pilot Lt. Col. Leroy Schroeder (sp?), Director of B1 combined task force talks to camera. Shots of plane from beneath. Colonel Fred Fiedler, Vice Commander of 65-10 task wing on airfield talks to camera. 04:03:09 Camouflaged B1-B in low altitude flight over desert from above & below. Interior shot of pilot in cockpit. Test pilot vo as plane seen flying over mountains. 04:03:46 Test pilot Capt. Dale Autry, test pilot on ground to camera. Various shots of plane high & low level. Circular track around plane engines on ground. W/ refueling plane in flight. Control board inside, navigation system. Tracking shot inside one of three bomb bays. Tracking around plane w/ doors open. 04:04:41 Maintenance people around plane talking & working. Car pulls up & pilot & crew run to board B1-B. Opening hatch. Unblocking wheels. Bomber begins taxi, takes off, in flight. Air Force Now title. Weapons technology; Post-Vietnam War; Test Flights; Flying;