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Code of Honor

Reel Number: 220369-04

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1979

Country: USA, Vietnam


TC Begins: 22:25:54

TC Ends: 22:49:49

Duration: 00:23:55

Code of Honor re USAF academy Exteriors Air Force Academy. GVs Interiors, corridors, dining hall, basketball court, swimming pool, gym, classrooms, laboratory, library. 22:27:12 CU mouth shouting “Yes, Sir”. Marching. Diving into pool. Sports: basketball, athletics, push-ups. Outdoors obstacle course, crawling under barbed wire. Yearbook. 22:28:31 Charlton Heston--re Air Force Code of Honor. Staged dialogue between two cadets re reporting friend who’s violated code of honor. Student cheating during exam. 22:35:31 Moralistic speech by Heston re ethical standards. Magazine headlines re scandals. Marching. Man jogging in shorts on Academy grounds. Woman leads drill. Obstacle course & exhausted men & women carried by others. Target practice. American Football. Volleyball. CU hand writing & classroom. Wearing goggles in lab. 22:40:22 Charlton Heston. Vietnam veteran in snowy landscape re Code of Honor having helped him survive POW camp. Illustrations - graphics. Vietnam POWs released in Hanoi. (same footage as in “Not Forgotten”) 22:43:19 Alarm sounds, men rush out & climb into B-52 plane; takeoff & in flight. Classroom & cadets listening. 22:45:52 Charlton Heston. CU hand pulls pinball trigger; group of boys play pinball. Cadet back home meets friends who tease him & want to go drinking though underage. 22:47:41 Cadet w/ other says he now understands Code of Honor, integrity etc. Looking out of window. Zoom out of window to GV building & Academy grounds. Self - Responsibility; Military Academy; Honesty; Movie Star;

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