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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221452-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980s
Country: Philippines
Location: clark afb
TC Begins: 08:16:12
TC Ends: 08:21:28
Duration: 00:05:16
Air Force Now opening title 08:16:43 Dhow type boat on San Miguel, Philippines bay; catamaran. Water buffalo plowing w/ man on back. Several water buffalo in river from water, boat up river; waterfall (narrator talks of Americans enjoying living in Philippines); bus, street scenes in city. 08:17:31 Air Force planes taking off, Exercise Cope Thunder. Officer SOF: “Challenging dynamic...combat times a year”. A-10 fighter jet passing over targets. Surface to air missile fired from ground. Man w/ binoculars, tracing radar. 08:18:10 Military man at consol trying to “shoot down” incoming aircraft. Simulated combat sorties calling for air support. Air Force A-10 and Navy A-4 planes in action over Crow Valley range. CU hands, cranking telephone & technician calling for close air support; men w/ headphones responding. A-10s dropping bombs. Helicopter involved in simulated air to sea rescue mission of downed air crew. 08:19:27 Logistics training, ammunition mechanically loaded onto fighter jet airplane. POV from jeep past planes on airfield as driver speaks as to who’s involved. Mounting bombs on planes. 08:20:12 Officer SOF about what needs to be learned. 08:20:18 Videotaping A-10 passing overhead during combat exercise, bomb runs, strafing passes & evasive maneuvers. Jeep down road thru stream, big splash. Control tower: Welcome to Clark Air Base, Elev. 478 ft. Mabuhay. 08:20:40 Video used in debriefings, pilots watching. 08:21:04 Planes bombing w/ explosions, in flight, landing. End. AF Military Training Exercises;