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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220368-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s,1950s,1960s,1970s
Country: USA, Vietnam
Location: Africa
TC Begins: 21:12:42
TC Ends: 21:22:37
Duration: 00:09:55
Global Airlift Air Force Now LS plane takeoff at dawn. WWII: Supplies loaded into plane. Dutch sign for Red Cross. Refugee children. Arab man into plane. Supplies dropped on African village. 21:13:30 26Jul1947 Truman signs bill creating separate Air Force. First Air Force Chief of Staff Carl Spaatz (1891-1974). Berlin June 1948 street scenes; Train barrier. Plane maintenance. 21:14:44 Gen. William H. Tunner, Commander Berlin airlift task force in 1948 talks in 1970s about operation. Activities on airfield during Berlin airlift. Control room. Radar screen. Walter Cronkite talks of being a correspondent during the airlift. Supplies loaded on planes including crates of milk. Planes flying low. 21:16:05 June 1950 Battle in South Korea, troops into plane. Lieut. Gen. Joe Smith 1940s. Interview in 1970s re operations. C-54 planes on airfield, trucks out of C-124 plane. Troops into lane. Supplies storage. Wounded on stretcher evacuated by air. 21:17:42 General Howell Estes Military Airlift Command (MAC) from 1964 - 1969. C-141 in flight. trucks on airfield, troops board transport to Vietnam. Aerial view Vietnam harbor & cargo vessels. Vietnam airfield & cargo unloaded. Wounded into plane. Nurses w/ wounded in plane (GOOD Colour). Supplies dropped by parachute. 21:20:15 Tanks loaded into C-5, interior shots. Cargo plane flies past snowy mountain (good). Graph C-141 stretch. C-141 on ground. Cargo loaded into Pan Am plane (name visible). Tanker cargo aircrafts fly over mountain range. 21:21:37 General speech to camera re challenges of the future for Military airlift. Presented by your Air Force.