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Not Forgotten Pt. 3 or 3

Reel Number: 220349-08

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1980s

Country: USA,Vietnam

Location: Las Vegas,New York City,NYC,Washington, DC

TC Begins: 13:44:50

TC Ends: 13:54:01

Duration: 00:09:11

Not Forgotten Pt. 3 of 3 Air Force Now re Vietnam POWs Light bulb dangling in darkness. POW tells of feelings towards Vietnamese & anti-war activists who visited Hanoi. POW’s wives & daughters tell tearful anecdotes re dad’s patriotism etc. Chains breaking. Re what’s important in life. 13:51:01 Patriotic statements about coming home & American freedom intercut w/ American sights - Las Vegas & Times Square neon signs, Empire State Building, Washington monuments, GVs American towns , landscapes, aerial steam train, mountains, beach with palm trees, aerial of amusement park fun fair w/ teapot ride; around crown of Statue of Liberty. Presented by your Air Force. Vietnam War Aftermath; Reunions; Americana - 1980s; Freedom;