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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221446-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980s,1940s
Country: England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: California,Long Beach,raf mildenhall AFB
TC Begins: 02:16:44
TC Ends: 02:29:09
Duration: 00:12:25
Partners In Blue; C-17 Airlifter Air Force Now title sequence 02:17:15 Montage: CU eyes; fireman & car wreck; CU pen on writing on paper; soldiers on ground; firemen; man taking notes; CU eyes; cap w/ IG & title: Partners In Blue. Men onto base at Mildenhall AFB, England, main gate security - trespasser tackled, searched on ground, put into car w/ eyes & ears covered. 02:18:25 USAF Director of Inspection Col. Robert Clark SOF re Multi-Major Commission inspection at Mildenhall - meeting w/ officers discussing problems revealed by inspection - independent inspectors. Chief Staff Sergeant Cumming VO. Suited team on runway inspecting liquids for hazardous substance; man throws phosphorous type igniting bomb, heavy flames, firetruck working. 02:19:51 Inspection team preparing report, sitting on bed, at desks & typing w/ early computer. MCU Finished document ‘Secret - Inspection Report’. More of command activities. 02:21:11 Paratroops to plane, drop & equipment on pallet seen from ground. Helicopter out of plane. 02:21:50 Title: Airlift Enhancement C-17 transport. (Maiden flight 15Sep91) SOF Officer on C-17 Globemaster program & development - avionics, design; need to get it completed. 02:23:01 McDonnell Douglas, Long Beach California hangar w/ banner ‘Home of the USAF C-17; INT workers at rows of drawing boards; construction of shell; illustrations of airlifted vehicles, Tanks loaded into mockup. Supplies dropped onto airstrip by parachute - seen from inside cargo hold. 02:24:05 Pilots in cockpit show new stick control; loadmaster work sation; paratroopers demonstrate jump cable, line up & out of plane. Engines - artists impressions & scale models of plane in use. 02:25:48 Int. of manufacturing or research hanger. CUs aircraft maintenance. Low pass & dropping cargo onto airstrip in front of camera. Loading cargo on airstrip. Models. Pan across cargo planes on tarmac. Drawings of planes in flight. Scale model of C-17 fleet in hangar. 02:28:06 Anti Drink-Driving (drunk driving) commercial - man in shadows speaks re military penalties inc. dishonorable discharge & civilian penalties - zooms out to reveal he’s in prison cell after killing his friend. Military Aviation; Aviation Research & Development;