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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220640-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1900s,1910s,1920s,1908,1909,1915,1929
Country: France,USA
Location: RHEIMS,San Francisco, California
TC Begins: 20:09:09
TC Ends: 20:14:35
Duration: 00:05:26
1900s - 1929 - Aviation Development: History of Aviation Pt. 2 of 2 Continued... Intertitle: “Cranking the 25 hp motor of the Wright airplane...” MS two men pulling props thru on the Wright aircraft, Wilbur Wright in BG making adjustments upon aircraft motor. 20:09:28 Intertitle: “The early Wright machines started from a rail & landed on skids. After 1904 they were catapulted by means of a falling weight.” MS men checking the launching rail. Moving the Wright aircraft into position on launching rail. 20:09:55 “Pulling up the weight that catapulted the plane from the rail.” Men pulling rope lifting weight. 20:10:08 Intertitle re clothing styles at Wright’s 1908 demonstration in France. Male & female spectators attending the demonstration w/ military. 20:10:38 Intertitle: “03Oct08, Wilbur Wright goes up w/ French journalist remaining aloft for...55 minutes & 37 seconds, a World’s endurance record w/ a passenger.” CS headlines of event. CS Wilbur Wright & French journalist getting into the aircraft. Launching & in flight, reporters on the airfield, duck as aircraft flies overhead. Head on view, Wright aircraft passing overhead. 20:11:33 Flash title. MS Bleriot at controls, man pulling prop & Bleriot aircraft takes off. 20:11:44 Intertitle: “While the Wrights were daily astonishing the world, another flier came to the fore - Glenn H. Curtiss, another American pioneer of aviation at Rheims, France 1909”. MS Glenn Curtiss sitting at controls of his first aircraft & starting for take off, view obstructed by men in FG. 20:12:11 Intertitle: “In the early days of aviation the pilots flew close to the ground for safety...” LS of the Wright aircraft in flight, low level. 20:12:30 Intertitle: “Here is the famous Lincoln Beachey, the first man to stunt an airplane, killed while looping-the-loop at the Panama-Pacific Exposition in 1915 in San Francisco.” MS Lincoln Beachey stunting a Curtiss model aircraft toward & over camera. CU Lincoln Beachey adjusting crash helmet. 20:12:51 Intertitle re dare devil stunting. Air to air, Jersey Ringle standing on wing of aircraft, switching planes in flight, grabbing hold of bar attachment on bottom of wing, hanging by knee after switching plane by leg & hand only; releases hand hold, swings by legs. 20:13:19 Intertitle: “Many were the odd & more or less dangerous machines...” Early aircraft showing rotating propellors attached between each wing. Plane does not take off. 20:13:43 Intertitle: “Orville Wright, the first man to fly a heavier-than-air-machine... CU of Orville Wright standing on boat deck, water in bg. 20:14:00 Intertitle: “Wilbur Wright (at left) born 1867, died 1912. CS of Wilbur Wright w/ two Frenchmen standing on airfield. 20:14:14 Intertitle: “And what the Wrights left to posterity---” Head on view, formation of ten early ca 1910s large twin-engine bombers. 20:14:34 The End. Military Aviation History; Aircraft Development; Inventors; Inventions; Celebrities; NOTE: 220640-08 & 220640-09 (20:02:27 - 20:14:35) sold at per reel price if requested.