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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250188-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1937,1938,1930s
Country: Germany
Location: Berlin,Bremen
TC Begins: 19:05:51
TC Ends: 19:15:17
Duration: 00:09:26
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1937 - Germany, Aviation: Helicopter, Focke-Wulf FD-61 Demonstrated Intertitle: The Focke-Wulf F.W. 61 helicopter, 2 three-bladed rotors & 160 hp Bramo engine described. World altitude, duration & distance record set 25-26Jun37 by pilot Ewald Rohlfs. 25Oct37 a new record was set by Hanna Reitsch. 19:06:39 CU twin-rotor helicopter D-EBVU w/ pilot lifting off; hovers & lands infield. CU rotors turning. 19:07:32 Intertitle: Focke...demonstrated 18oct37 for Lindbergh in Bremen. 19:07:38 Tri-motor arrives, MCU Lindbergh, looking at helicopter D-EKRA & watching it fly & land, take off, 19:08:33 Intertitle: Demonstration of Flocke Helicopter & the Fieseler Storch heavier than air craft, Berlin, Oct37. D-EKRA taxiis out to street lined w/ suburban houses; fixed-wing plane D-IFMR. D-iFMR takes off from field; helicopter lifts up & slowly flies backwards & lands again. More turning while hovering; landing. 19:10:49 Small fixed-wing D-IFMR slowly lands. Helicopter takes off again & lands. 19:11:37 Intertitle: An indoor flight for the first timne in history in connection w/ the International Automobile Show, Berlin, 1938 - flights were made daily from 18Feb to 06Mar38 in Deutchland Coliseum by Pilot Hanna Reitsch. 19:11:55 CU Auto show emblem. LS Coliseum building. Interior w/ helicopter, MCU Hanna Reitsch; LS helicopter flying, hovering, turning. Deutschland on side of helicopter, no numbers. 19:15:05 Woman pilot out of plane; talking w/ men. Experimental Aviation; 1930s Germany; Inventions; Aircraft; Celebrity; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: