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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250172-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: USA
Location: California,Muroc Army Air Base
TC Begins: 08:20:41
TC Ends: 08:25:51
Duration: 00:05:10
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1946 - NACA Experimental Aviation: Bell X-1-2 Rocket Plane First Powered Flight. 09Dec46 MLS Bell X-1-2 rocket-powered experimental plane is fueled w/ liquid oxygen. 08:20:48 MS tail number 6063; engine started or vapor from oxygen fueling. LS plane engulfed in vapor from front; civilians around. CU Technician / man in cockpit. 08:21:42 X-1 towed across tarmac; rolled by hand into pit; B-29 towed over top of X-1. LS; CU of X-1 being hooked onto underside of B-29 bomber. 08:22:56 MS Chalmers Goodlin in leather flight jacket shakes hands w/ Herb Hoover . 08:23:09 Front view of B-29, engines warm up, turns in MS w/ X-1 beneath.. 08:23:24 B-29 takes off r. to l. 08:24:22 Low Angle / LA of B-29 in flight w/ chase plane; MS air to air l. to r. X-1 engine starts (release not seen). 08:25:04 LA of contrail / vapor trail of X-1 crossing sky lower right to upper left. 08:25:23 LA of X-1 landing l. to r. The pilot is congratulated. 08:25:47 MCU pilot helped out of X-1 & congratulated by officers. Firsts; USAAF; Muroc Army Air Base; National Advisory Committee For Aeronautics; 1940s; NOTE: There were 3 X-1 airplanes: X-1-1 s/n 46-6062; X-1-2 s/n 46-6063; X-1-3 s/n 6064 NOTE: Complete reels may be combined to not exceed 10 minutes & sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: