1948 - First C-54 Skymaster Arrives Berlin 05Nov48; Sec of Defense Forrestal Arrives; Communications Antennas; Berlin University Readied; Horse Trolley
1948 - First C-54 Skymaster Arrives Berlin 05Nov48; Sec of Defense Forrestal Arrives; Communications Antennas; Berlin University Readied; Horse Trolley
Berlin Meldet: 05Nov48. First 19th Troop Carrier Squadron four-engine C-54 / C54 Skymaster plane landing in Berlin; crowd watching at Tegel airport; military VIPs including General Clay & French General ?? greeting USAFE Commander, General Cannon, & chief of staff of Anglo-American airlift, General Turner.
10:27:29 Night, Secretary of Defense Forrestal off plane at Templehof w/ other military VIPS greeted by General Clay.
10:27:47 Day, USSR airplane at Gatow airport, British officer, Williams touring hanger.
10:28:06 Day, tilt up elaborate antennas. Men working on, climbing ladders, tightening guy-wires. Attaching power. Oscilloscope & other electronics.
10:28:54 Vehicles beside apartment building, students unload books & furniture. CU sign: Freie Universitat Berlin. Students carry books, furniture inside; shelve books.
10:29:46 Number 50 over doorway . Man hooking horse to trolley w/ destination signs on side: Ebersstr.,Leipziger Str., Alexanderplatz. People boarding. POV horse pulling tram thru streets. Passing electric trollies.
10:30:27 The End.
Post-WW2 Germany Rebuilding; Post-WWII; Cold War; Berlin Blockade Airlift; Transportation;
1948 - First C-54 Skymaster Arrives Berlin 05Nov48; Sec of Defense Forrestal Arrives; Communications Antennas; Berlin University Readied; Horse Trolley Berlin Meldet: 05Nov48. First 19th Troop Carrier Squadron four-engine C-54 / C54 Skymaster plane landing in Berlin; crowd watching at Tegel airport; military VIPs including General Clay & French General ?? greeting USAFE Commander, General Cannon, & chief of staff of Anglo-American airlift, General Turner. 10:27:29 Night, Secretary of Defense Forrestal off plane at Templehof w/ other military VIPS greeted by General Clay. 10:27:47 Day, USSR airplane at Gatow airport, British officer, Williams touring hanger. 10:28:06 Day, tilt up elaborate antennas. Men working on, climbing ladders, tightening guy-wires. Attaching power. Oscilloscope & other electronics. 10:28:54 Vehicles beside apartment building, students unload books & furniture. CU sign: Freie Universitat Berlin. Students carry books, furniture inside; shelve books. 10:29:46 Number 50 over doorway . Man hooking horse to trolley w/ destination signs on side: Ebersstr.,Leipziger Str., Alexanderplatz. People boarding. POV horse pulling tram thru streets. Passing electric trollies. 10:30:27 The End. Post-WW2 Germany Rebuilding; Post-WWII; Cold War; Berlin Blockade Airlift; Transportation;