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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250147-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1950
Country: USA
Location: dayton,Ohio,Patterson AB,wright
TC Begins: 06:00:04
TC Ends: 06:09:01
Duration: 00:08:57
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1950 - Military Aviation R3 of 5 Montage: Animated graph of speed of aircraft advancing in knots from 1937 thru 1948. CU interior of wind tunnel w/ model of F84; Ext. horizontal wind tunnel at Wright Field. Int. main control panel. CU control instruments w/ operator throwing switch. CU engineer checking main test panel. CU engine fire test w/ flames starting to pour thru ports. LS B-26 approaching camera. MS F86 stationary stripdown on tarmac showing jet engine, CU pan from nose to tail of F86D. 06:01:18 Bell X1 takeoff, w/ words: SUPERSONIC SPEED, superimposed. 06:01:36 MS men in protective clothing fueling X-1; man standing under shower washing rocket fuel from protective clothing. X1 near rocket fuel stands at Muroc AFB. 06:01:51 Aerial of X1 in flight. X-1 w/ nose & wheels down for landing; camera aircraft follows X-1 in for landing at Muroc AFB. 06:02:12 Launch of Martin Matador Missile w/ “Guided Missiles” superimposed. Propulsion tube drops free. 06:02:26 Aerial alongside Martin Matador in flight. 06:02:33 CU book: "Nuclear Powered Aircraft"; hand stamps it TOP SECRET. 06:02:57 Montage. Optical effect of 5 action scenes in one: four F59As dive low over camera; Matador launch; X1 in flight, F86D stationary; and Top Secret document titled "Nuclear Powered Aircraft. Animation of Printed questions. CU Gen. Vandenberg (1949 is superimposod over scene). CU book entitled, Ridenour Report". CU page: "Research and Development in the United States Air Force". CU USAF organizational Chart. Animated map showing location of ARDC centers. CU doorway-sign: WRIGHT AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER, HEADQUARTERS. INT workers at desks; CU sign on wall: WADC. Visitor enters office & greeted. CU sign on wall: AMC. 06:05:34 B-52 takeoff in Seattle & in flight over mountains. 06:06:05 F86-D, FU-464, pilot in cockpit on tarmac; CU pilot flipping switch, moving lever. Split screen, exhaust section being closed to a narrow opening. F86D take off past camera. 06:07:23 CU radar antenna in operation, turning. ECU instrument panel of F-86 w/ radar screen in center. CU GCA signal on receiver. F-86 circling overhead to radar units in operation in fg. 06:07:39 INT GCA room w/ equipment, operators & students. At radar screen; monitoring electronic racks. working on electrical equipment. 06:07:51 CU men & equipment laying concrete runway. 06:08:02 MS Interior ARDC office building. Pan Wright Field Installations. 06:08:40 Dolly shot toward doorway of building. 06:08:51 CU Research and Development information report, stamped SECRET. Military Aviation; NOTE: Good quality. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: