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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250215-01-P2
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: USA
Location: California,Edwards AirForce Base California
TC Begins: 02:11:42
TC Ends: 02:20:57
Duration: 00:09:15
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1950s - Color, USAF Experimental Aviation: NACA Flight Research, High Speed Pt. 2 of 2 MS High Angle / HA Convair XF-92A no. 6682 towed from hanger, dry lake bed w/ views of Delta Wing & lack of tail elevators. Taxiing & aerials in flight. 02:12:45 Douglas D-558-1 Skystreak painted orange; white towed in front of hanger. Navy aircraft, Douglas D-558 Phase 2 Skyrocket landing on dry lake bed seen from chase plane. HA above Skyrocket in front of hanger. Parked w/ data recording instruments displayed on wing, CUs of instruments. CU man w/ nose boom instruments, CU of recording devices, CUs of recordings on photographic film. Cover removed & technician installing instruments in both top & belly of plane. 02:16:08 NACA engineers & pilots meeting around table. 02:16:13 Skyrocket on special trailer moved from hanger for pre-flight engine test. CU four rocket tubes showing spark plugs lighting; Hydrogen Peroxide fueling wearing protective clothing & flooding tarmac w/ water. Rockets fired; loading Skyrocket under B-29 on jacks, then lowered after Skyrocket attached. 02:18:03 B-29 taxiis, taking off & aerial of planes w/ B-29 vapor trails / conrail in flight from below, CU. 02:18:33 Int. crewman helps pilot into cockpit of Skyrocket & buckles in, canopy closed. 02:19:25 Skyrocket dropped; radar crew tracking & engineer in trailer & data noted. Woman stenographer in front of electronic panels taking down pilots remarks & tape recorder running beside. 02:20:14 Skyrocket landing w/ chase plane alongside. Instrument film drums unloaded in film developed, dried & woman reading data & plotting on graph. (Abrupt End) Experimental Aircraft; NACA; National Advisory Committee For Aeronautics; Test Pilots; Speed Testing; Altitude Tests; Office Workers; NOTE: Card sold at per reel rate or any continuous ten minutes of 02:00:00 - 02:20:57 sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: