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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250172-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1953
Country: Korea,USA
TC Begins: 08:36:08
TC Ends: 08:47:22
Duration: 00:11:14
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1950s - Korean War: F-86 Sabres Readied & Shooting Down M-15s, Return to Base CU tail number 24523 on checkered tail. 08:36:21 Fueling USAF F-86 in sandbagged revetment; ammunition checked; machine gun barrel area wiped. 08:36:56 MCU pilots at tables waiting, talking, looking at maps on tables. Briefing w/ wall chart. 08:37:32 Pilot in parachute w/ man w/ briefcase across metal runway to plane Battlin Bootsie; visually inspects plane, crew assists into plane. 08:38:09 MS aircraft beginning taxi run, FU-510 passes CU, others following, FU-910 & others pass. Many take off l. to r. in pairs. View of planes taking off overhead & out of sight. 08:41:09 Dogfight w/ MIG-15s, GSAP tracers firing (gives flicker between shots), plane hit & into flames. Other explosions, various views & spins, close passing of planes. 08:44:26 Men sitting w/ binoculars on top of sandbag revetment; CUs. Planes returning & landing approach. 08:45:27 Aerial shot of Korean countryside w/ farms on landing approach onto runway. Side view of fighter planes touching down r. to l. 08:46:43 POV along runway after landing showing tire marks. 08:47:05 FU-899 plane past w/ air brakes extended. Planes taxiing to revetment. CU tail. Air Combat; Home Movies ; Sabrejets; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Possibly 51st Fighter Interceptor Wing. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: