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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250172-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 08:53:51
TC Ends: 09:03:58
Duration: 00:10:07
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1950s - Civil Defense: Warning Red Titles. 08:54:13 Montage: LS B-29 overhead. MLS 1950s US city skyline. INT home, mother puts small boy to bed. MCU couple read newspaper. MS aircraft beacon light revolving at night. B-29 overhead. CU INT B-29 nose windows / greenhouse. LS section of oil refinery. ECV switchboard & operators. LS diesel train crosses river bridge. MS INT hangar "American Airlines" DC-6 aircraft undergoing repairs. B-29 overhead. 08:55:08 Montage: MS pilots run out of alert building. Two F-86 Sabrejets take off, in flight. ECU pilot scans skies. ECU USAF on side of B-29. Aerials of F-86s, pilots. 08:56:01 MCU radar antenna turning. POV past telephone lines. ECU sign HQ 33RD AIR DIVISION (DEF) ORDERLY ROOM. Ground shots of radar tracking center "Omni Bearing"; control center officer in charge. MP checks I.D. of driver of car entering area. LS control center building. MS MP on guard duty at doorway, checks I.D. of officer entering building. 08:56:38 Sign: WARNING RESTRICTED AREA. MS INT aircraft warning & tracking center w/ equipment. CU airmen watching radar screen. ECU radar screen. CU as airmen call information taken from radar screen to tracking room. CU INT tracking room, airmen mark plotting boards. 08:57:51 MS American Airlines DC-7 taxiis out. MS interim control tower, civilian operators. MS Airmen mark information from plotting board onto ledgers; tracking center in operation. B-29 overhead. CU radar screen. MS as airman calls on phone, information from radar screen. Scenes of activity in the center. Aircraft is located & messages relayed to other areas. 09:00:25 Montage: MS pilots relax in alert room. CU warning horns on wall of room. LS alert hangars doors opening. Pilots scramble. INT alert hangar pilot climbs into F-86. CU canopy as it closes over pilot. LS F-86 taxis out of hangar. LS tower operators' view of F-86 taxiing. MS as F-86 taxies from alert hangar. LS F-86 taxiing away from camera. 09:01:09 CU tower operators' view of F-86's taxiing. MS low angle two F-86's as they pass overhead. Plotting table. Aerial two F-86 in flight; ECU as pilot scans sky. ECU radar screen & airman. Plotting room. Aerial two F-86's in flight. GSAP approach on tail of B-29. Aerial two F-86's diving at camera aircraft. B-29 in flight. 09:02:34 City street scene w/ traffic. Children play, woman puts clothes on line. 09:02:51 Aerial as F-86 climb & dives; two F-86s pass overhead. Several scenes of airmen faces tracking center; pilots. Air Defense Command men moving indicators on tables. The End. Cold War; Paranoia; Film Noir Style; Government USAF Film; NOTE: Problem in master tape 08:54:21:21 - 08:54:22:03. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. THIS IS NOT THE 1956 CIVIL DEFENSE FILM! NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: