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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250025-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1951
Country: USA
TC Begins: 00:57:41
TC Ends: 01:09:56
Duration: 00:12:15
1951 - Napalm Bomb Story,The 17Apr51 CU ammunition disposal area, men remove flares from boxes, removing protective cover from around flares & place in wooden box. 00:59:02 Igniting on sandy ground; burns though sand thrown onto it. 00:59:42 MCS loading flares from truck into C-47. 00:59:55 CU mixer vat for Napalm mixture. Dry Napalm mixed w/ 72 octane gas. Tanks of gas w/ tubes running to mixing vat. Coverage of Napalm mixing area showing men working at various duties, some pour the dry mixtures, others pour gas, while others use air hose to mix the composition. 01:02:06 Aerials of B-26 diving down on small island in ocean -- film very hazy. 01:02:40 Aerial of three B-26's flying formation. B-26 diving & firing rockets at small island. NOTE: Film hazy & jumpy shot thru plexi-glass w/ shadows & sun streaks). 01:04:05 B-26's taxiing in low over water, dropping Napalm on first run -- missing island; second run excellent as Napalm hits top of the island peak & runs down both sides w/ mushrooms of smoke & fires going up. Repeat of several shots of B-26 making strafing runs at the island. 01:06:06 End R1 01:06:10 CU truck backed up to B-26 & attaching containers & rockets to wings . 01:07:11 CU Filling Napalm container attached to wing of B-26. 01:07:35 LS looking across water as B-26 dives & fires rockets at small island. Several shots B-26 Napalm bomb run showing Napalm bomb bursting on island. 01:08:12 Men beside door w/ chute to dump Napalm & fitting cannisters. 01:08:41 Interior of plane. (not useful) 01:08:56 B-26 in flight on run to island & dumping, miss. Other passes w good shots of Napalm bomb burst. Explosives; Fires; Bombing; NOTE: Sell entire card at per reel rate.