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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250095-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1952
Country: Korea,South Korea,USA
Location: Suwon Airbase
TC Begins: 20:54:05
TC Ends: 21:03:24
Duration: 00:09:19
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1952 - Korea: USAF 51st Fighter Wing / 51st FIW. 11May52 Recreation room, airmen seated listening to radio, pan to other airmen looking at magazines, men playing cards, drinking Coca Cola. Play ping pong & checkers. Repeat. 20:55:06 MS & CU w/ sign, Command & Headquarters Squadron Air Use Group Country Club, Suwon, Korea. Men enter. CU men playing ping pong. CU captain dressing foot of airman. 20:56:04 CU dentist at work. 20:56:12 CU & MS of linemen at work; look up & tilt up to top of pole showing loudspeakers. 20:56:40 Montage: CU man pitching horseshoes. CU armament men workings. MS mechanics working on engine. Cockpit of an F-86, name of aircraft, ANTUNG PURGE. Mechanic places cover over canopy. 20:57:13 Slate: 11May52. M. Lisic. MS group of Koreans walking across bridge. MS & CUs Korean women washing clothes beside river / stream. 20:58:07 Street scene in village in Korea, Market. Women washing clothes. 20:58:22 Slate: Same. Marke, women carry bundles on head; Korean man carrying a bundle of evergreen trees on his back. Boy carrying hay or straw. Market stalls & activities near riverbank. 20:59:23 LS outside of wall around city of Suwon, pan to entrance gate; MS Koreans by entrance. CUkids play on wrecked Russian tank in fg. 21:00;04 People in front of house w/ thatched roof. Ox-cart full of fir trees turns in front of camera. F-86 & F-80 flying directly overhead, power lines in fg. Village scenes; women washing clothes, planes overhead. Farmer plowing rice field, in bg F-80's coming in for landing. CU farmers working in fields, C-119 flying overhead & steam passenger train in bg. Good. Korean War Daily Life; Air Force Aircraft Activity; Fighter Interceptor Wing; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: