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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250095-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1952
Country: Korea,South Korea,USA
Location: Suwon Airbase
TC Begins: 20:45:12
TC Ends: 20:53:59
Duration: 00:08:47
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1952 - Korea: USAF 51st Fighter Wing / 51st FIW. 05-09May52 CU Smiling lieutenant after he has received award. CU Gen. Everest as he is handed award, he walks over to lieutenant, pins purple heart on him. MS group of officers at ease after citations. 20:45:51 Slate: 05May52 M. Lisic. Several CU views as F-8O's take off directly in front of camera. RV of same, followed by F-86's taking off, one at a time. 20:46:44 Slate: Same. CU one F-86 taking off directly overhead; cameraman in fg ducks down. Formation of F-80's, aircraft bank & peel to the right. 20:46:58 CU bulldozer past in dirt. CU scraper operator. LS equipment & construction of runway, oiling. 20:47:47 MS chaplain in jeep thru Oriental gateway; MS chaplain greeted by Korean men. Other street scenes. MS group of airmen & officers talking. CU Korean children. CU captain holding a small baby. 16) CU chaplain shaking hands w/ small children. 20:48:50 Flash slate: same. MLS & CU group of airmen around Red Cross stand, airmen having doughnuts & coffee. CU Red Cross women serve airmen coffee & doughnuts. GOOD. 20:49:52 Slate: 09May52 M. Lisic. LS & CU coffee stand & activities. MS & CU Air Police / AP drinking coffee. 20:50:56 MS Captain attending to small Korean baby, dressing same. MS group of school age children walking past camera. MS Korean woman walking away from camera carrying a basket full of clothes. 20:52:00 Slate: same. CU Red Cross woman pouring coffee. CU loudspeaker. 20:52:19 MS Airmen & sandlot softball game. CU as pitcher picks up softball & throws it. Batter swinging. 20:52:55 Slate: same. CU sign, 51ST PHOTO LAB, GUN CAMERA; STILL, NO ADMITTANCE. 20:53:01 CU lab technician adjusting equipment. CU Loading l6mm film on reel. 30) CU machine as projectionist threads film. CU face of projectionist. CU looking into the lamp of a Bell-Howell projector. CU insignia of the 5th Air Force. CU sign, 51ST FIGHTER INTERCEPTOR WING. Korean War Daily Life; Air Force Aircraft Activity; Fighter Interceptor Wing; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: