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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250095-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1952
Country: Korea,South Korea,USA
Location: Suwon Airbase
TC Begins: 20:08:50
TC Ends: 20:19:04
Duration: 00:10:14
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1952 - Korea: USAF 51st Fighter Wing / 51st FIW. 29Apr - May52 Slate: Cameraman Boyce. Apr52. MS four USAF airmen / officers eating, being served by two Korean women. Pinup mural painted on wall in BG. 20:09:43 MS of serving end of chow line being served. MS cafeteria. 20:10:11 CU cooks cooking fish in deep fat fryer. 20:10:26 Ext. Men having shoes scrubbed in tub of water before entering mess hall. CU Korean boy washing off shoes. 20:10:43 Slate: same. CU mural of chef / cook; camera tilts down to cook measuring out servings of a meat salad. Repeat. 20:11:26 Airman to facsimile receiver (or wire-photo machine). CU same, airman takes map off machine. 20:11:46 Slate: same. Weather station. ECU teletype receiver in operation. 1CU teletype receiver, airman walks over & tears off paper. CU airman wearing headphones, typing. ECU Gauge on facsimile receiver set. 20;12:22 CU sign: K-13 30-21 AWS DETACHMENT, SUWON, KOREA, 30TH WEATHER SQUADRDN, DETACHMENT COMMANDER, EDWIN I. BOYD, MAJOR. Activity w/ two men, Captain & Lieutenant, seated at table working on weather maps. 20:12:48 Slate: same. CU weather map as officer draws isobars. CU wing weather officer as he picks up forecast & leaves. 20:13:16 MS two airmen release weather balloon. CU theodolite tracking balloon; airman leaves w/ chart; theodolite man walks over to temperature hut. 20:13:51 Slate: illegible. CU trucks driving out of motor pool on muddy road. MCU & CUS of wheels. 20:14:28 INT dispatcher's office, drivers come up to window for trip ticket. 20:14:46 MS sign: 51ST MOTOR VEHICLE SQUADRON, WHEELS OF THE WING w/ men & barracks behind. Tank passes in fg. 20;14:54 Slate: Boyce 30Apr52. MS flight surgeon's jeep towards camera, followed by an F-86 Sabre.. Stops, CU Major & Captain watching F-86s taxiing. Repeat. 20:15:42 MCU F-86 FU-756 taxis past, pan. CU flight surgeon waves to pilots as they taxi past; C-119 sitting. Sabres taking off. 20:17:00 Slate: 01May52 Boyce. Airmen outside 51st Air Police Operations quonset hut. Sign, APO 970. 20:17:13 MS AP reporting in. CU same scene. CU Provost Marshal. 20:17:31 MS as AP leaves, gets into jeep & drives away. 20:17:45 MS as AP beside dirt road checks pass of truck driver, airstrip activity behind. 20:18:01 LS F-86 aircraft banks & turns to land. 20:18:13 MS steam shovel loading dirt in dump trucks. 20:18:48 LS F-86 F-94 in flight. Korean War Daily Life; Air Force; Fighter Interceptor Wing; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: