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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220604-18
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1953,1950s
Country: Germany,USA
Location: Frankfurt,west berlin
TC Begins: 01:53:48
TC Ends: 01:56:03
Duration: 00:02:15
1953 - Cold War, Germany: Berlin Children Taken To West Germany By USA aka Kinder Lift. Aug53 US Army bus arrives on Templehof airport tarmac w/ C-47s parked. 01:53:55 MS Children wearing name tags off buses; 01:54:03 john J. McCloy at microphone w/ adults & children listening; MCU speaking (MOS) before NWDR mic. CU children listening Red Cross tags. USAF Colonel Joseph G. Manyo speaking at NWDR mic w/ AFN mic beside. LS Airfield tarmac & children walking w/ nurse to board planes. CUs outside plane of 3 boys looking at ??. Children helped aboard aircraft by soldiers. Adults waving goodbye. 01:54:44 Interior, kids on transport plane. 01:54:50 Children helped off planes at Frankfurt-Rhein-Main airport. 01:55:11 Children run off coach / bus, Sign on coach: “Kinder Lift.“ Children into army camp; queue for food in canteen / mess hall. Kids at table drinking Pepsi Cola, reporters around. LS kids at table all w/ Pepsi Cola bottles. 01:55:30 Children walking past Quonset huts & sign: Jugendlager Klein-Berlin Herzuch Wilkommen. More shots in mess hall & getting food; MS & CUs eating. 1950s; Vacation; Firsts; USAFE Operation Kinderlift; NOTE: If requested will provide 01:45:40 - 01:56:03 (4 cards) at per reel rate.