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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1895-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1954
Country: Denmark,Greenland,Poland
Location: Greenlan|,Sondrestrom Air Base
TC Begins: 01:23:34
TC Ends: 01:31:26
Duration: 00:07:52
1954 - Cold War, Exercise Wind Chill, Greenland, Mar54 MS & LS stationary C124s on ramp in snow, engines warmed up. C-124s taxiing past & taking off in snowstorm. 01:24:20 MS deicing equipment pushed over to aircraft engine on a stand. MS nose section of C-124 w/ clamshell doors open & loading ramps down. MS men spray deicing fluid on wing of C-124. MCU engine started. C-124 taxiing to left on snow-covered ramp. 01:25:32 MLS group of stationary trucks on ramp; soldiers into C-124 thru clamshell doors. Trucks & trailers leaving. MS aircraft engines started. Trucks & trailers w/ troops past. 01:26:17 Troops board C124 towards camera inside plane. 01:26:45 View from plane in flight & of other C124s over mountains. CU aircraft engine while in flight. 01:28:04 MS car leading trucks past barracks on base road w/ jeep following. Men in white parkas wave. 01:28:36 MS troops gather & ready equipment for exercise; run towards snow covered mountain. MCU Two men set up & fire machine gun. 01:28:59 Men advance w/ rifles & bipods across snow during exercise. MCUs. lying & firing from prone position on snow & ice w/ bayonets on rifles. Men w/ radio. 01:29:55 Line of C124s along snow-covered ramp; troops board aircraft. 01:30:06 MS sign: Sondrestrom AB. Out of focus pan of planes. 01:30:20 Planes on ramp w/ men moving about, others waiting. 01:30:51 Air crews w/ planes behind; pan lines of planes. Soldiers assembling in front of planes. USA Army Exercises; Arctic; Northern Defenses; Military Winter Training; Note: Exercise Wind Chill incorporated the services of paratroopers of the 511th Airborne Regiment, 6602nd Air Base Group, 601st Quartermaster Supply Company, U.S. Army 11th Airborne Division, and 314th Troop Carrier Wing in a joint operation of planning and initiating a maneuver for the protection of our northern installations. Scenes were taken at Goose Air Base, Thule Air Base, Sondrestrom Air Base, Harmon Air Force Base, Stewart Air Force Base, and Fort Campbell.