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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1848-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1954
Country: USA
Location: holloman afb,New Mexico
TC Begins: 04:17:25
TC Ends: 04:48:53
Duration: 00:31:28
1954 - Lt. Col. Stapp’s Supersonic Sled Run, 30 G Force, Holloman AFB, NM, 10-11Dec54 R2 of 2 Slate. Multiple takes of sergeant firing a pair of red flares to indicate 15 minutes before firing -- one green flare indicates 30 seconds to firing. 04:19:17 Slate. MS camera pans to right w/ ambulance, stops beside the blockhouse. 04:19:46 Slate. MS technicians running to control house. Track & RV ambulance racing alongside to end; returning. 04:21:47 MS men run & enter underground control house. RV two technicians at electronic control panel. w/ clock at 12:35. 04:23:10 Slate: 11Dec54. CU Officer giving countdown. CU hand as it flips the firing switch (multiple takes). 04:24:01 CU clock - time 12:33 w/ sweep second hand. 04:25:39 LS of Aero Medical Building. CU sign: AERO MEDICAL FIELD LABORATORY. BLDG 1201. 04:26:07 CU entrance sign: HOLLOMAN AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER w/ missile on top. 04:26:19 Slate: Dec54. LS technicians make adjustments to Sonac Wind No. 1 sled. 04:27:02 Slate: Dec54. CU as Col. Stapp walks in from rear of scene, enters sled. 04:27:56 CU low angle of rocket bottles on the sled rear. 04:28:44 MS technicians making adjustments to Col. Stapp's helmet, men leave scene. (overexposed) 1 04:29:26 LS technicians stand around sled. MS camera pans to right w/ sled run. 04:32:46 Slate: 10Dec54. MS Base surgeon, Lt. Col. H. P. Bourke, examining Col. Stapp, pointing to injuries, checking his eyes. 04:35:09 Slate: 11Dec54 MS INT of control house, men working on equipment. 04:36:13 MS Maj. David G. Simons examining Col. Stapp; physical examination w/ blood pressure test. Gets into flight suit type coveralls. Multiple takes. 04:44:32 Slate: 11Dec54. INT of blockhouse, looking over shoulder of officer doing countdown - time on clock 12:35. CU of clock, 12:34 & second hand moving. 04:46:00 Slate: 11Dec54 MS two officers at control panel inside control building w/ countdown et al. MCU. 04:47:57 Slate: MS from rear as men run to sled; technicians work very fast to remove Col. Stapp's harness and helmet. MCUs & CUs. 04:48:41 Camera runoff. Military Testing; G Forces; Human Experiments; Deceleration; 1950s; NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes sold as one reel.