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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221722-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1954,1955
Country: Austria,Belgium,Germany
Location: Zollamt
TC Begins: 04:58:28
TC Ends: 05:03:27
Duration: 00:04:59
1954 ca - F-84F Thunderstreak military jet display & Turn Over To Europeans (?) Military Jet display - two F-84F Thunderstreak aircraft land; three fighter jet planes in formation flying overhead. Planes landing on runway . Planes circling overhead coming in to land past camera. 05:00:34 Bus arrives at border post / check point. Men out of bus, some in military uniforms & others are civilians. CU Sign: Black Eagle w/ Zollamt beneath - Sign 7751 MPCU Waidhaus Detachment. MCU Armed guard. 05:01:30 Sunrise - large group of men in silhouette walk across field - group in silhouette talking. 05:02:06 Many F-84F jet aircraft along runway - waved off by crowd - press interview pilot. 05:03:00 Air Force officer wearing tie with 527 in large letters takes photograph of plane. Press & others around aircraft USAF plane 113240 marking on tail - three in cockpit inspecting, one wearing baseball cap with 527 insignia. Cold War; Western Europe; United States Air Force; 1950s; ca late 1954; NOTE: Probably first being delivered to NATO Mutual Defense Assistance Program (MDAP)