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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250016-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1956
Country: USA
Location: Alamogordo,holloman afb,New Mexico
TC Begins: 06:12:26
TC Ends: 06:17:01
Duration: 00:04:35
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1956 - Color, USAF: TF-102A Armament Tests, Ground & Air Firing of Unguided 2.75 F.F. Rockets, Aug56 - Mar57 Titles. 06:12:48 CU of 2.75 folding fin aircraft rockets laying on wooden holder. CU showing folded fins. 06:13:06 Man inserting rocket into stand for test firing; attaching electric clips. CU finger on button to test rocket ignitors. Crew walks to revetment for test firing. 06:13:43 MCU men beside firing mechanism; countdown w/ man on telephone. Rockets fired, dust. 06:14:00 Men to test stand. View along test stand as three rockets leave w/ exhaust trails. More firings. 06:14:18 Mar57 (sic) Man loading rockets in test stand. 06:14:31 F102A, TC-354 No 41354 on tarmac. CU men checking switches on plane before loading. Men load rockets. 06:15:11 Test pilot Bob Cee inspects plane, climbs into plane & taxiis. Air to air of firing rockets. Slow motion of firing from plane. Several firings & detonations. CU of rocket doors opening & fired. view from tail camera on plane. 06:16:43 F102A taxiing to camera. The End. 1956; Cold War; USA Military Aviation; Ammunition; Weapons; Testing; FFAR Mighty Mouse; NOTE: 2.75 Folding Fin Rockets were discontinued due to poor accuracy. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Good color. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: