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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221780-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1957,1950s
Country: Egypt,England,France,Hungary,Ireland,Israel,Italy,United Kingdom,USA,Vatican City
Location: braintree,Chamonix,Gaza,Massachusetts,Middle East,New York City,North Conway,NYC Dublin,Vatican
TC Begins: 01:42:22
TC Ends: 01:50:05
Duration: 00:07:43
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1957 - Newsreel, USA Main titles. 01:42:35 Intertitle: Egyptians Open New Gaza Crisis. Civilians & military look at body. High angle Israeli Jewish settlers village; women working beside barbed wire w/ lookout tower behind. Men digging trench; Egyptian men w/ rifles & helmets. MCU Israelis handed rifles from window, walk to fields. Man climbing lookout tower & view across farm. 01:43:28 Intertitle: News In Brief - Italy. Lighted interior of St. Peter’s & Pope Pius XII on birthday; praying, Low Angle / LA of dome; greeting Cardinal Paul Leger of Canada. MCU Pope speaking (MOS), giving blessing. 01:44:15 Intertitle: New York City. Dublin, Ireland’s first Jewish Lord Mayor Robert Briscoe arrives & greeted in NYC City Council President. Briscoe, wife & two sons one pilot of the flight at microphones. CUs. 01:44:50 Intertitle: New York City. SS America in harbor, on board w/ Edward T. Wailes returning U.S. Ambassador to Hungary during Revolution. A.M. Spinell (sp?) industrialist & goodwill Ambassador to France talks to reporters. 01:45:20 Intertitle: England. Air crash wreckage over countryside near Braintree after collision between two USAF jets. Cranes removing wreckage. 01:45:42 Intertitle: Hot Style In Cold Weather. Tilt down model Carol Reed of North Conway in ribbed ski sweater poses outside lodge, pants & boots. Four models pose in long underwear; fishnet underwear shown. Modeling shorts & hats, blouses. Applause. Fur coat put over bathing suit. 01:46:32 Intertitle: Art World Sensation. Chimpanzee dressed and in front of finger paintings; w/ helper (Desmond Morris ?) makes paintings by smearing paint on flat sheets of art paper. CUs. Rubs paint in hair. 01:47:21 Intertitle: Sports - France. LS of mountain valley, peaks & glaciers at Chamonix. Men & women’s Giant Slalom. Fall. Woman watching from snow. Downhill race. Bad spill. 01:48:49 Intertitle: Easter Seal Appeal By Ivy Baker Priest Treasurer of the U.S. Seated at desk speaks SOF to camera says she’s serving as Chairman; gets up & shows poster & talks. Gregory the campaign poster boy comes in on crutches & poses in CU. Send to Crippled Children % your post office. 01:49:50 Intertitle: Produced in Co-operation with the Motion Picture Industry & shown in this theatre as a public service. The End. 1950s; Middle East; Settlement; Catholic Anniversary; Diplomacy; Post-Hungarian Revolution; Trade Missions; Aviation Accident; Animal Artists; Skiing; Ski Race; Winter Recreational Fashions; Promotions; Public Service Announcements; Charity; NOTE: Entire or partial sold at per reel rate. Good quality. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: