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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1331-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1958,1950s,1960s
Country: USA
Location: Limestone,Loring AFB,Maine
TC Begins: 16:27:47
TC Ends: 16:36:33
Duration: 00:08:46
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1958 - Color, Cold War, USAF: B-47s & B-52s on Alert, Taking Off, Loring AFB, Maine. 27-29Jan58 Slate: 29Jan58. Loring AFB, Maine. Camera: Lewis. LS to MLS KC-97 aircraft climbing overhead. LS pan w/ B-47 climbing above runway out camera right (end shutter problem). 16:28:25 LS B-47 taking off from runway aircraft goes out camera right. 16:28:40 MS ground crewman removes heater hose from B-52 on ramp, snow on ground; second B-52 being fueled from trailer in bg. CU flight line guard standing under B-52 right wing, he gives signal to proceed. 16:29:00 MLS B-47 taxis onto end of runway, stops momentarily, then starts takeoff roll. MLS B-47 waits on end of runway, starts takeoff roll, pan w/ & out camera left. 16:29:59 CU canopy open & pilot climbs into cockpit of B-47 from inside, fastens his chute & seat belt; putting:on helmet & face mask. End Slate. 16:30:42 Slate: Camera Marshall. 24Jan58 Roll MOF-4. MCU right FV pilot seated in cockpit of B-47 w/ canopy open, puts on helmet, fastens seat bel & closes canopy. 16:31:05 Two crew members run & plug in RATO units on B-47 parked on snow-covered ramp. CUs. 16:31:48 26Dec?? Camera: ?? High Angle / HA CU pilot, wearing heavy parka, into B-47 cockpit, putting on helmet. CU FV pilot closing canopy. 16:32:27 MS Ground crewmen pulling covers off B-52 right wing inboard engines & tossing them in a snow bank at edge of alert area clearing, then run back toward the aircraft. 16:32:52 MS low angle ext. of control tower at Loring AFB, Maine. CU tower operator speaking into hand-held mic -- second operator is speaking into telephone in bg. 16:33:06 Ground crew over snow, remove wheel chocks & air intake covers from right wing engines of a RATO-equipped B-47. B-52 climbing above snow-cleared runway. 16:33:46 Slate: 29Jan58 Loring AFB, Maine. Camera: C.E. Lewis. Roll L-13. MS three B-52 crew members enter aircraft, B-52 is parked in bg, snow is on ground. CUs ground crew in fur-lined parkas as B-52 engines started. 16:34:49 Slate: 28jan58 Loring AFB, Ground Crew Scramble, Dusk. Camera: Lewis Roll L-11. LS B-47s on flight line, ground crew members running to aircraft. MS B-47 engines are started (early dawn). MCUs. MS three ground crew slipping & sliding as they run over ice toward camera -- a flight line guard checks their passes, then lets them continue. Aircraft overhead in early light. 16:35:59 Slate: Camera: Lewis, Loring AFB. 27Jan58. LS of two RATO equipped B-47s taxiing from snow-covered alert pad onto taxi strip. Cold War; SAC; Nuclear Weapons; Military; Alerts; Takeoff Preparations; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. GOOD. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: